Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Natural dyeing: onion skin / Festés hagymahéjjal

Let's start at the end... with the result
Kezdjük a végén... íme az eredmény

And this is how it started...
És így kezdődött...

(This is actually another skein but with the same colour)

I added 1 tsp vinegar to the dye, simmered for half an hour
and then soaked the skein for a fortnight

Steam dance show

This is the shade (below) that resulted after the first onion-dye bath.
Ezt az árnyalatot (lent) az első hagymás festés után kaptam. 

Although i was fully contented with the result, I was far too curious how ferrous sulphate would change the colour so i carried out the dyeing process again in the same onion water. This eventually dulled and darkened my skein.
Bár teljesen elégedett voltam az eredménnyel, túlságosan fúrta az oldalam, hogyan változtatná meg a vasgálic a színt, ezért újrafestettem. A fonal ettől végül tompább és mélyebb színt kapott. 

Not bad either, but the original golden brown shade was way more beautiful... next time i'll work less with it. :)
Nem rossz ez sem, de az eredeti, aranyló barna sokkal gyönyörűbb volt...  hát majd legközelebb kevesebbet dolgozom vele. :)

Monday, 27 April 2015

Wooden buttons / Fagombok

When i first saw the damages ice made this winter to the Börzsöny, it was already February. Since the Szendehely area remained almost untouched by the horror, i could hardly believe my eyes. The view of broken and bended trees near the 'Csánki kert' was shocking.

Már februárt írtunk, mikor először szembesültem a börzsönyi jégkárral. Mivel Szende környékét szinte egyáltalán nem érintette ez a téli pusztítás, alig hittem a szememnek. A félbetört, hajlott fák látványa a Csánki kert környékén sokkoló volt. 

Wenckheim út, 22 February 2015

Several areas had been cleared up by then, piles of branches were already heaped on the side of forestry roads. I thought it'd be a worthy retort to turn the killed wood into something useful and memorable. Make it a survivor... Well, I've just finished my reply.

Addigra már több részt megtisztított az erdészet, a fa halmokban hevert az erdészeti utak mentén. Valami méltó visszavágón törtem a fejem, mi is lehetne a fából. Hogyan élhetné túl, hogy így legyilkolta a tél... Most készültem el a válasszal. 

untreated wooden buttons
Untreated edition

wooden buttons beeswaxed
Beeswaxed edition

Orders are being taken. :)
Rendelést felveszek. :)

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Need for speed

I've just realized that, based on their character, border collies need constant headwind. I mean Ruby can't just simply walk. Apparently she is not even able to, she lacks that particular motor ability. So she runs. (Anyone who knows her can confirm this.) I don't even understand why on earth i expected her to simply lie in the car while travelling, for she always needs the wind to blow full speed against her face!

Végre leesett, hogy a bordereknek jellemükből adódóan konstans menetszélre van szükségük. Hiszen Ruby sem tud csak úgy sétálni. Nyilvánvalóan nem is képes rá, gyakorlatilag hiányzik belőle ez a motorikus képesség. Ezért rohan, állandó jelleggel (aki ismeri, igazolhatja). Nem is értem, hogyan várhattam el tőle, hogy a kocsiban heverésszen menet közben. Neem. Vágjon csak a szembeszél mindig telibe a képébe. :)

travelling with a border collie

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Time. Lapse

We've been planning to make timelapse videos for soooo long, and finally... the first video has just been shot and it's here! Please have no big expectations at all, everything about video editing is new to me, so i have to learn and learn and learn! But my motivation is strong: showing the world through a subjective lense, let it be that of a camera or a video recorder, is so exciting and it's so much fun!

"Ready for tomorrow" is nothing more than an ordinary sunset time-lapse shot in the countryside... yet i do hope you'll enjoy it as much as i enjoyed making it! 

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Spring hike in the Eastern Börzsöny (Kámor & Bugyihó)

Absolutely fresh photos of the spring Börzsöny.

Eastern hills of the Börzsöny.
View from Diósjenő
View from the Kun-rét
Mount Naszály, as seen from the Börzsöny

View from the rocks of Kámor
A blister beetle
On one of the northern slopes
On our way to Bugyihó
Shoe shot
Cabin lock à la Királyháza
Spring view 
Diósjenő in afternoon glow
This must be a bullet from WWII, right?

Friday, 17 April 2015

The curious hoopoe

We had a funny guest today. The prominent 'Bird of the Year' (in Hungary), a hoopoe got particularly interested in our porch. (Just for the record: swallows have also arrived.)

Hoopoe, búbos banka (Upupa epops)

I might have a new window sticker printed soon
Hoopoe playing hummingbird.
I wonder what it'd have done if i had kept the window open.

Monday, 13 April 2015

The poser

Practical dog etology, Lesson 1: The science of how to interpret canine emotions.

Ears perked, mouth open, the dog is showing its teeth 

Slightly narrrowed and staring eyes, lifted lips...

...beware of a poser border :)

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Mines of the Easter(n) Börzsöny

Yesterday we explored the vallies NW of the Nagy-Kő-hegy. By its name, Vasbánya-völgy ("Iron Mine Valley") was fairly promising and we weren't left disappointed.


She's got the look :)

Ground level
