This Saturday brought severe frost, some parts of Nógrád county froze into -15, -20 ºC cold by dawn. By 8 o'clock we were in Királyrét hunting the great lights of the golden hour.
A Bajdázó melletti rét / Meadow near the Bajdázó Quarry |
Szóval így kezdődött. A korán indulás miatt aztán az egész Suta-berki-nyiladék aranyban úszott.
Röntgen / X-ray |
Érdekes helyi vonatkozású mondatot találtam a Brehmben a borzról:
With the help of a little fresh snow and less tourists during the past weekdays, we were lucky enough to find many footprints in the morning. The most unique of them were these badger-like ones, but I still don't understand the stange angle of the feet. I know there are badgers in the Börzsöny, we've already seen one in the woods near Berkenye a few years ago, but I am not familiar with this species, so I had to check the pattern in a footpring guide. And while learning a little about badgers on the net, I found an interesting paragraph in Alfred Brehm's book about Diósjenő, Nógrád and Szokolya (all of them are neighbouring villages to Szendehely) having been stricken by huge badger colonies which caused severe damages in the nearby corn fields in 1927."Legújabb észleletek szerint 1927-ben a Börzsönyi hegység keleti peremén feltűnő gyakori lett a borz, s különösen Borsosberény, Diósjenő, Nógrád és Szokolya községek lakói sokat panaszkodtak a kukorica földeken véghezvitt érzékeny kártevései miatt."
Persze járt arrafelé más is... Még a terepjárós erdészen vagy vadászon kívül is.
Na kinek van a legnagyobb lábnyoma? Ugye-ugye. And who's got the biggest footprint? Well, well. |
A Bagoly-bükköt nagyon szeretem, ezen a szakaszon mindig találni valami érdekességet...
Bagoly-bükk has always something interesting to offer...
Most például azt fedeztük fel, hogy a gyalogúttól kicsit lejjebb a völgy felé, egy már benőtt és törmelékes erdészeti út mentén komoly műalkotás magasodik. Ez itt, kérem, a Börzsöny Steinmannja. :)
This time we discovered the Great Cairn of the Börzsöny, located a little off the track, beside an unused, bushy cart road.
Ezek szerint jó úton vagyunk / We must be on tha right track |
We love it when our shadows come to hike with us. :) We had collected our daily sunlight before snow arrived that afternoon.
Ruby Shadow |
And this one only intends to show the bright sky and fluffy clouds... You just can't chase away a posing dog from your landscape photo, can you?! :)
Égés-tető / 'Burning Peak' 851 m (a.k.a. Ruby photobombing my landscape) |
Csóványos was terribly cold and windy so we weren't lingering in the lookour for too long. There was not much of a scenery even - to the north and east the air was too humid to see anything in the distance. I just took a quick shot and headed down, back to NHH, following the gulches to right of the main ridge in the photo below. After I had thawed up my nose downstairs with the steam of my tea.
Kilátás a Csóványosról / View from tle lookout tower on Csóványos |
Drótágú fa / The tree which grew a wire branch |
I believe I can fly... |
Jössz már?! / You comin'? |
Szédítő / Dizzy |
Kilátás a nyugati Börzsönyre / The Western Börzsöny in the background |
Jég- és szélkárok / Damages by ice and wind |
Oltár-kő / Altar Stone |
Így is elkövettük azt a hibát, hogy lefelé a kék keresztet választottam, mert nem akartam ugyanazon az úton menni, mint amin feljöttünk, a Taxi-nyiladék meg kicsit unalmas és turistákban sűrű is ilyenkor. Nos, a kék kereszt még sűrűbb... egy csomóan feljönnek kocsival a II. parkolóig valami 1000 Ft-ért, és innen "túráznak" kb. 3 km-t fel a házig. Persze legalább a háznak van forgalma ilyenkor, nyilván a babgulyás 75%-a ilyenkor kel el. :)
On our way back we skipped NHH, there were to many too loud people up there. I cannot always be as lucky as I was at Christmas... on 24th December - to avoid any traditional cleaning-cooking-preparing craze topped with a nervous breakdown by the end of the day - we walked up to Nagy-Hideg-hegy from Kóspallag. Except for a grumpy biker we were the only ones on the hill...
Despite of all my precautiosness, I made a mistake when choosing our track down. The blue + turned out to be the most walked path by all those 'hikers' who pay and drive up to Parking lot 2. Anyway, at least the NHH house can make a little profit from them, when all that crowd is buying their legendary goulash after their big hike from the parking lot 3 kms below. :)
Van egy gyorsabb út is lefelé / There's a faster way down... |
Demény után szabadon: "Mindenki velem játszik. Alap." :D/ You can't go past us without playing with Ruby. That's essential. |
Below the parking lot, population density got back to normal and we were free to hover around on the frozen creek.
Nagy-Vasfazék-patak / Big Iron Pot Creek |
Nagy-Vasfazék-patak kis vízeséssel/ Big Iron Pot Creek with small cascades |
Ehhez a képhez nagyjából a patakra kellett feküdnöm, remélem, tetszik! :) I took this lying on the frozen creek, hope you like it! :) |
There's a new shelter along the railway track, an ideal hobbit hole to spend the night in, althought it is critically close to Királyrét - or we'll see.
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