Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Grey sweater in grey weather

The blog proudly presents the kitchen-maid's latest WIP!
I wish i could rip out the clouds which have been stuck in here lately, just like i did to this piece at least 3 times till i understood (though i had been warned beforehand) that Japanese patterns don't differentiate between right side and wrong side signs. (Actually, this is the first time i've been knitting cable from a real pattern so this might even be true to all patterns of the world - only i didn't know about it. I always learn best from my own mistakes!)

This is supposed to be an Aran vest
A swift spring (rather late-winter) storm has just passed by. Frightened from a thunder Ruby almost sprang in my neck! I'm desperate. In the past 3 years she's had absolutely no problem with storms. But last New Year's Eve we got under severe pyrotechnic attack even here, at the end of nowhere, and i'm afraid this stupid human "celebration" just broke her. 
Are border collies often afraid of storms?

Spectacular but cold and windy

Monday, 30 March 2015

The border of this day

She's got the look
These colours
Shadowed shadow
This is actually the spaceship kitchen air vent

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Mosoly tanya

"So mild the air a pleasure 'twas to breathe,
For what seems heaven above was earth beneath."

(Henry David Thoreau)

A place literally above all - a 23-year-old girl's wonderland near Verőce, a hilltop out of the paved roads range, without any official postal address, in 15 minutes' walk from the edge of the nearest settlement. Almost in the wilderness... :) Thanks to its isolated location, the ranch couldn't be more peaceful yet it is never boring, for the three horses she owns provide far enough work and entertainment in all seasons (of which i've only known two so far:)).

'Mosoly tanya' is truly a magical place! And now spring is everywhere - in the bushes turning green, in the warmth of even a pale sunshine, in the cheerfulness of the horses and in the perfectly dried paths. Believe me, after months of deep mud this latter one is a great relief indeed! Kókusz and Mosoly have lost almost all their winter hair coat by now, they are even more beautiful than they were in winter.

Van egy hely, szó szerint mindenek felett - egy 23 éves lány csodálatos birodalma Verőcétől egy ugrásra, de a forgalmas utaktól kellően távol, hivatalos cím nélkül, csak úgy "fenn a hegyen", 15 perc sétára a legközelebbi lakott területtől. Szinte a vadonban... :) Elhelyezkedésének köszönhetően ez a tanya békésebb már nem is lehetne, de olyan béke ez, ami sosem untat, hiszen a lány három lova kellő munkát és elfoglaltságot ad az év minden részében (de legalábbis kettőben, amit már én is ismerek, biztosan. :))

A Mosoly tanya elvarázsolt hely. Főleg most, hogy a tavasz mindenütt megmutatkozik - a zöldülő bokrosban, a sápadt napfény melegében, a lovak bohóc vidámságában, és a remekül felszikkadt utakon. Nekem elhihetitek, hogy hosszú-hosszú hónapok sártengere után ez hatalmas ajándék! Kókusz és Mosoly mostanra már majdnem levedlették téli bundájukat, és még gyönyörűbbek, mint télen. 


Thank you Eszter for dragging and inviting me for today's adventure! I just can't wait to sleep up there! If only we could bring Ruby with us next time... :)

Could a new day begin any better than this?
I took some photos trying to document this spring-awaiting, ready-steady, 'spring is about to explode in every minute' state i experienced today so that you can enjoy it a little, too.

Have a great day!

Köszönöm Eszternek, hogy kirángatott az apátiából és elcsalt a mai kalandra! Alig várom, hogy fent aludhassak! És bárcsak legközelebb Ruby is velünk tarthatna... :)

Lőttem pár fényképet, hogy emléket állítsak ennek a tavaszváró, kicsattanó napnak, hogy ti  is élvezhessétek. 

Szép napot!

Mosoly tanya

Mosoly tanya

Mosoly tanya

Mosoly tanya

Mosoly tanya

Mosoly tanya

Monday, 23 March 2015


Last time I ran up the hill with Ruby we returned with some fresh nettle to soak the first nettle tea of the year...

... and this is (going to be) my garden supply! The tomato plants have just begun their beautiful friendship with the sun today...

... and this is my experiment with rosemary, in a lovely jar from Scotland.

Sunday, 22 March 2015


Walked up today to the ruins of Drégely Castle in the northeastern Börzsöny. On the way back Ruby roused a lone boar near a gully. It probably got scared to death from my dog's inexplicable neon yellow vest.

Szondy és Zrínyi kísértett ma: kutyacimbivel Drégely várában voltunk, s visszaúton magányos vaddisznót riasztottunk fel (Ruby irrealisztikus neonszerkóját látva eliszkolt). 

Drégely várából nem túl szép időben

Drégelyi vitéz (apród) kémleli az ellenséget

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Kezdődik ám

...meg ez is...


Szendehely és a Naszály

Canis lupus nemnormalis

Corydalis intermedia

Nagy-Kő-hegy (383 m)

Nagy-Kő-hegy (383 m)

Off we go

Doggie van, our little, 13 year-old Citroen got crashed yesterday evening, on our way to the agility training. I can hardly use it now, driver's seat car door is pushed in, lock damaged. Offender drove away. Thank God i have a good memory for plate numbers. 
Spent half this morning at the insurance company and the police with paperwork. The other half of this morning might become a milestone in our life but the truth is out there. Off we go to find it in the woods. 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

In the last minute...

.... we made it to the nearby meadow to catch the last sunshine.